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From: manning@execpc.com (Steve Manning)
Subject: Re: Can kermit take its configuration from stdin? (Unix)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:59:10 GMT
Organization: ExecPC Internet - Milwaukee, WI
Message-ID: <7ffcre$34v@newsops.execpc.com>
To: kermit.misc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
Mark Sapiro <msapiro@value.net> wrote:
>Frank da Cruz wrote:
>In article <7f60oo$ihc$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>,
> <john_cosimano@my-dejanews.com> wrote:
>Yeah, that's what I'm doing now. I have a bunch of configuration files, and I
>wrote my wrapper script so that kermit gets called like: `kermit -y
>/usr/lib/kermit/configs/some_config_file`. The problem I was looking to solve
>is that if I want to make a change to the configuration files, I now have 256
>files on which to make the change. I figured if I could make kermit get it's
>configuration from stdin, I would only have one file...
>Oh, well, there is more than one way to skin a cat
>Indeed. If you can describe the actual problem you are trying to solve,
>maybe I can be more helpful.
>- Frank
>John's original post said "The only configuration directive that
>needs to change from file to file is the set line /dev/ttyC#."
>If this is in fact the case, it is hard to see why simply removing the
>set line directive from the configuration file and using the -l option
>on the command line won't work.
>However, if there is really a need to have kermit read a dynamically
>built initialization file, why not just build it in the wrapper script
>and then write it to say /tmp/process-number.ksc and then invoke kermit
>with "kermit -y /tmp/process-number.ksc".
The generated script file could be as short at two lines:
1. "set line /dev/whatever"
2. "take /path/to/kermit/lib/master.ksc"
Using this approach, you could also actually go through the excercise of
creating all 256 scripts one time and then never have to worry about them again.
Make any changes to master.ksc.
I use this sort of approach with some kermit scripts that start up telnet
sessions. I actually have some generic scripts for attaching to applications
and another script that just does a "set host". To set up a PC at a new site I
copy the basic template scripts along with the site-specific script and
everything just works.
(Yes, we do have a bulk license. Best money we've spent. Apart from our DSL
connection to the 'net.)
Good luck.
Steve Manning
Systems Administrator
Mega Marts Inc.
Milwaukee, WI USA